ESG Data Management
The sheer volume of ESG data points within any business can be overwhelming whether you’re starting from scratch or you’ve already got a system in place. Following a review of your data points and number of locations, our ESG consultants will help you to define exactly what is important to you. What data do you need to collect now and in the future? From energy management data to employee diversity data and everything in between, we ensure you an use that data to make improvements to your performance and report against your ESG strategy.
Collecting your ESG data is easier said than done. Most of our clients have multiple software systems and data points. Our consultants get to grips with your current systems both operational and financial to ensure that we can collect the data you need. Once we know how to collate the relevant data then we ensure you have one system to align it all. Our system extrapolates your data in the most pain-free and cost-effective method possible.
Our ESG data management platform organises your data concisely and effectively. Quite simply, if you don’t need it then we don’t show it. Your data is available when you need it and in the format you need it. The ideal situation for your data isn’t that it’s used once a year for an ESG Report, it should be readily available to make regular strategic business decisions. Spot anomalies, analyse trends, improve performance and drive down costs. This is the real value in our ESG data system.
Reporting your ESG performance is vital to your company credibility. Transparency and clarity are the key ingredients to a good ESG Report. Our ESG consultants ensure that your data is in the right format and ready for you to create your ESG Report whether you have a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual ESG Reporting structure. We also help you you to report against various sustainability standards like TCFD, SFCR, GRI and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
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